
We left at 7 am for the hospital and arrived at 8 am for work. In the lobby of the hospital there was a 4 day old baby. When I asked what it's name was they said they had not named it yet. Both Mary Ann and I  expected to work in vital signs again but when we went to our area we were told there were no patients for us as only 2 doctors were in,so we continued to do what we left off doing yesterday which was pulling files for the optomology team coming soon. We did that all day but finally finished. 

At lunchtime we saw one monkey in the tree taking a nap. Later he woke up so we could get a photo of him. 

During the night a pregnant woman with eclampsia came into the hospital and was in great danger of losing her and the life of her unborn baby. The doctor had to take the baby. The baby weighed only 1 lb something and did not make it. Glen was able to make a casket for the little baby. Once he finished that he continued to work in the woods shop making house numbers for different areas around the hospital grounds. Karl worked on the PA system and once he completed that he worked on the C- arm. It was a busy,very hot,but fulfilling day completing some of the tasks set before us today.