We arrived safe and sound around 6:30 pm. Our kind neighbors had mad us dinner and we were grateful. After eating and unpacking just a few things we went to bed. We woke up at 4 am and started unpacking the remainder of our stuff. We found our water pump was not working and appears to be broken. We have water but only a trickle. We ate breakfast with a few groceries the neighbors had gotten us and continued unpacking. Then we set off to the city to get minutes for our phone and internet. We ran into friends from the hospital at the mall and gave them a ride into town and while there asked them to show me where I could get a wedding chord that is traditionally used in a Honduran wedding for Bryanna. Than went to get a few groceries. Everything in Honduras takes more time than in the states to do. We didn't get home until 4:30 and needed to unpack the groceries. We did not get everything we needed done so tomorrow after church we get the remainder of the items. We are both exagusted and will eat a sandwich for dinner and go to bed.