Wednesday...Got up knowing Karl had to go back to town to get the screws he needed. They didn't have them yesterday which is " no problemo " as they will just make them and he can come back yet another day and get them. That's what they do here in Honduras. If they don't have it, they can usually make it. The neighbor, Hoss and Karl went to town and the man forgot to tell them he would not be in until 12. It's too far to come back and go out again so they decide to shop for some other things while there. I finish putting things away, doing dishes, etc and decide to go to the pool while I wait for their return. An hour later I come in to take a shower and grab a towel under the sink and it was soaking wet along with all the towels! It appears we now have a leak under the sink and I can not get a hold of Karl to let him know while he is in town! I count it pure joy to be here serving my Lord but we could sure use a few extra prayers!