
  I didn’t sleep well last night..the wind was blowing the doors, dogs were barking and for the first time I felt a little scared. I got up and checked things which seemed to be in order but somehow lay away most of the night.  

After fixing breakfast and doing laundry I sat down to read the voice of God bible study I am doing. As many of my friends know I have been actively seeking God’s will in Honduras for over a year as to what exactly He wants me to do. I have several opportunities to chose from. One was ruled out before I came on this trip. The exciting news is He is slowly revealing His will to me. The issue is I don’t see how I can possibly do it! I have no clue where to start, will need lots of long term help and lots of financial support. BUT THIS IS GOD! All things are possible with God! Please pray with me about all of this and as I continue to pray for HIS will and desire, I will reveal exactly what he has in mind for me to do.